The Stats/Raw Logs page in the Control Panel allows you to enable raw http log access and/or SmarterStats, a web site statistics program.

Enabling Raw Log File Access will make a .zip file of your raw http logs available daily.  We rotate the raw log .zip files on a 30 day basis, so the past 30 days are available for download at any given time.  Note that the size of the log files counts against your disk storage space, as they are stored in the root directory of your account.

There is no charge to activate raw logs or SmarterStats.

How to Log into SmarterStats

SmarterStats has its own set of login credentials which you can change with the web interface.

When you first enable statistics in Control Panel, a default user is created (the default user has the same username and password as your Control Panel login).

To log into SmarterStats:

  • Click the URL on the Stats/Raw Log page which will bring up the SmarterStats web interface.
  • In the "Site ID" text box, enter your domain name (without the www).
  • Enter the username/password.
  • Note that once you establish a SmarterStats username/password, it is not related to your control panel login, and future changes must be made through the Smarter Stats interface.
For more SmarterStats help, please review the online help in the Smarter Stats web interface.

How to Access the Raw Log Files

HTTP Log access is disabled by default.  To enable log access:

  • Log in to the Stats/Raw Logs page of Control Panel
  • In the Raw Log File Access section, click the "Enable" button

Log File Generation Schedule

Your raw log files will appear within 24 hours after the nightly update (so they will not be available immediately after enabling the feature).

Log File Format

To ensure easy download, the log files are compressed into .zip files.   This takes place on a nightly basis (every 24 hours).  To download the zipped log files, log in via FTP and manually add /httplog to the remote site.

Note: The log file directory is hidden, so it will not be immediately visible when you log.  Manually type in the file path and hit enter: /httplog in your FTP client to access the log file directory.

Log File Rotation

Log files more than 30 days old are removed from the system and are not recoverable.