How to Order a MS SQL Database

  1. Log into the DiscountASP.NET Control Panel
  2. On the menu to your left under Account Management, click on the Order Addons link.

  3. On your right, a list of addon features will appear.  Scroll down to where it says MS SQL.  The version number is to right of it.   Click on the Order MS SQL ####: Click Here link to start the ordering process.

  4. The price is based on the amount of database disk space you want.  Select the amount of disk space you want in the dropdown menu, give the database a name, and then click the Add to my Account button.

  5. In most cases, your database service should be provisioned immediately.  If it's not provisioned after 24 hours, please open a support ticket to have us investigate the issue.  After it has been provisioned, click on the MS SQL Manager link under Database Management to manage your database.   It's on the menu to your left in the Control Panel if you scroll down a bit.

  6. If you have more than 1 database, you will be able to select the one you want to manage in the dropdown menu.  Select the database you want to manage and then click on the Manage button.

    The Management interface contains your database connection information, allows you to create database users (up to 3), and allows you to backup, restore, attach, shrink, and reset your database.  These operations can only be done through the Control Panel and not through SQL Server Management Studio or any other management tool you decide to use as a client.

Did you know that our Website Cloud Backup service can also back up your database?  You have full control over backup retention and schedule. Automate your backups now with Website Cloud Backup.