DiscountASP.NET General SQL Backup Strategy

SQL Server databases are backed up on a nightly basis.  We keep from 3 to 7 days of backups, depending on the server and the space available.   Backups are rotated, so only the most recent backups are available.

Typically we can restore the database file for $25 restoration fee, but please bear in mind that our backups are not intended for customer use and should not be relied upon as a replacement for your own data backup strategy.  We cannot guarantee that a database backup will be available when requested.   We recommend that you maintain current backups of all of your data locally.

You can perform your own real-time backup using the SQL Tool in the MS SQL manager in control panel.

Did you know that our Website Cloud Backup service can also back up your database?  You have full control over backup retention and schedule.   Automate your backups now with Website Cloud Backup.